The 7 Concepts

The 7 Concepts

In order to train lay people to follow up on new believers, these seven concepts are taught in a “Nurturing New Believers” workshop now available on DVD.  Together, they form the unique “l6/8 Plan” of 16 personal touches in the first 8 weeks. When completed, these lessons encompass the basics of “pre-discipleship,” a system that prepares the new person to embrace any church’s discipleship ministires.

Concept 1

Organizing a lay-involved and lay-led follow up ministry using a Director to make eight calls in the first eight weeks.

Concept 2

Using lay people to teach eight follow-up lessons one-on-one. These lessons are featured in the two booklets “A New Heart” and “A New Heart 2.”

Concept 3

How to effectively deal with people who accept Christ in the church service

Concept 4

A presentation of the Gospel

Concept 5

Identifying visitors and setting up follow up visits

Concept 6

Tracking new believers

Concept 7

Ways to train lay people to pray consistently and powerfully for new believers.